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Ulverston, The Lake District, United Kingdom
South Lakeland is beautiful part of England. This is my corner where i can post my poems and photos and also write about walks. This is also a place where i can air my veiws and opinions.

Saturday 1 May 2010

Jigsaw Feeling!

Our Role
The sickening oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico now threatens 5 states and up to 5,000 barrels of oil are gushing into the sea each day, it is expected the figure could rise too.
This is just another example of what man is capable of, it got me wondering once more about what role the Human Race has on this beautiful planet?

It always amazes me how us humans seem to take so much from this planet without actually contributing in any way to the smooth cycle of life, life that has existed here for millions of years. I look at the entire world like a huge jigsaw, everything fits perfectly together to make this picture, except for one piece, that piece is the Human Race!

If you look at any other piece of this jigsaw, you will notice how it has a specific role to play, and even the things we label as pests, weeds or vermin are all an important part of this jigsaw.

We on the other hand just take, poison, and pollute. We clutter with our waste and foul with our sewage, we continuously push many things like insects, plants, fish, birds and animals to extinction. We kill for sport, leave the seas almost empty of Fish, Whales and many other creatures, cut down the rain forests and drill and mine for everything we can leach from Mother Earth. All the time we are doing these things we never actually seem to put anything back.

It also seems to me that us Humans are the only creatures who as well as fouling and poisoning the very place where we live, we also enjoy destroying our own bodies too with things like alcohol, nicotine and many other hard substances. We even build weapons of mass destruction, why? Because we can!
All this makes me wonder if we are just going to self-destruct in a short time, i sometimes wonder what this beautiful world will be like without Humans?

The Dinosours once walked this planet and for reasons scientists still argue over, became extinct. It now seems to me that we too will one day become extinct, but not by the impact of a comet hitting Earth, no, I suspect it will be by our own hand!

We think we rule this planet, we don’t and I will end this with a quote by David Attenborough:

‘If all the insects on this planet died out tomorrow, Man would not live very long at all. However, if Man died out tomorrow, the insects of our world would barely notice’!

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